
Football 3D

Football 3D

Football 3D

3D Football is a 3D sports game with graphics that simulate extremely lively scenes and characters, giving players the feeling of playing on a real field. There are numerous unique features and levels to unlock in this one. So, players may play for hours on end without getting bored.

The game is going to help players randomly choose a friend to fight with. Your main task is to customize the striker to score more goals than his opponents. And move the goalkeeper to protect the goal in the best way. 

To sum up, this is a game that the big fans of soccer cannot ignore. The rules are also very simple to play and are equally impressive. Now choose your favorite team and click on the word PVP on the game screen to start the exciting experience.

How To Play

  • First, choose a team, after which select the mode.
  • Move the ball's path with your mouse so that the footballer can score. And also, use the mouse to move the goalkeeper to protect the goal.

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